Having Faith in the Process

Breanne Szabados
4 min readSep 13, 2021

Moving through uncertain times…

Photo by Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

A few months ago, I had an oracle card reading with a trusted friend/spiritual teacher. I was going through an uncertain relationship situation and had a specific question in mind for the reading, in terms of which direction I should go with this person. I knew what my intuition was telling me to do, but wanted some confirmation that I was on the right path. One of the cards she pulled for me was “faith in the process.” The deeper reading talked about needing divine intervention during certain situations in life, relying on the invisible help from the universe and how this can be more powerful than any amount of effort we could possibly exert to bring about a specific outcome. There are certain things that we simply cannot achieve with our own force of will. This resonated deeply with me, and it was such a powerful reading because it spoke directly to what I was going through. I was always taught that the only way to achieve anything in life was to exert the most amount of effort, even if it exhausted and depleted me in the process. I’ve had to learn that things can come to me with more ease and lightness if I have faith in the bigger plan for my life and stop trying to force things to happen on my timeline with the exact outcome I desire.

One of the things I love most about readings like this is that they often take on different meanings as time passes, and we are able to evaluate why certain things happen in our lives once we have some distance on a situation. This is exactly what happened for me. Looking back, my intuition was guiding me down a path that didn’t really make much sense at the time. Things actually didn’t work out at all as I thought they would in the situation in question. However, things happened exactly as they needed to in order for me to get perspective on a situation and an answer to a question that had been plaguing me for over a year regarding the feasibility of a relationship. I finally received an answer, and though it was not at all the one I expected, it was definitely the one that I needed.

This is the ultimate evidence of what happens when we have faith in the process during uncertain times in life. The outcome of the situation was closure in one respect, but opened up uncertainty in others, so this is an ongoing process for me. Having faith in the process requires constant surrender — of my fears, doubts, concerns, even my dreams and desires. The Universe knows exactly what I want in life in terms of a relationship. I have made it clear what my intentions and desires are in that area. Now the real work is stepping out of fear, trusting that things are working out exactly how they are meant to for me, and having absolute faith in the process. This is NOT easy for me, by any means. Some days, I am able to stay in the positive energy of knowing that things are happening that I don’t even know about to make this come to fruition for me. Other days, I have to surrender my fears and doubts over and over and over again. Coming back to this idea that I am divinely supported, and that all I need to do is keep surrendering, keep trusting the bigger plan and allowing all of the beauty and abundance to show up for me when it is meant to arrive.

There are many times where it feels like the love that I want will never show up, when I keep attracting all of the seemingly wrong people for me instead of the right ones. Looking at these situations in terms of what they are teaching me is one way that I continue to have faith that things are happening exactly as they are meant to happen, that everyone comes into my life for a reason, to teach me something I need to know. When I become curious instead of frustrated, it allows me to move through these situations with grace and a bit more ease, focusing on the journey and what I need to learn and experience along the way. Again, this is a constant practice, but worth the effort to grow and change in necessary ways.

I often write the things that I need to hear the most, so this is a reminder that when things feel difficult and uncertain, we can have faith in the process; we can find comfort on the way to where we want to be in this life. Everyone who crosses our path and every situation we encounter is here to teach us or show us something that we need to know. Once we lean into this, the synchronicities are everywhere and we start to realize that nothing is a coincidence. Instead, every experience is getting us closer to where we are meant to be and who we are meant to be with. We can stop forcing and start allowing.



Breanne Szabados

Based in California, loves writing, reading, yoga and concert-going and finds people and relationships endlessly fascinating