Making Time to Dream

Breanne Szabados
3 min readJan 24, 2021

What if all of your dreams come true?

Photo by Evi T. on Unsplash

How often do we really let ourselves dream? To really take the time to sit in stillness and feel into what it is that we want in every area of our lives. I think it is an essential practice that not enough people indulge in, including me. It also becomes a challenging practice if we aren’t used to dreaming. The older we get, the more dreams seem to become less of a priority. We lose our childlike wonder and forget to just dream a bit. I took some time this week to allow myself to dream. It’s disheartening that I even have to give myself permission to dream in the first place. It seemed overwhelming to have such a broad space of subjects to consider, so I chose one area of my life — my dream living situation for where I am in my life right now. I thought of the type of house I would like to live in, the location, what it would feel like in that space. It was so freeing to give my mind the space to run wild.

Dreaming often gets put on the back burner for us as adults. Between working to earn a living, paying bills, fostering relationships and taking care of ourselves, we often lose sight of any dreams that we have for ourselves and don’t often make time for new ones to surface. I’ve felt a sense of wonder pulling me to make dreaming an essential practice in my life. I still find myself brushing it off in favor of being productive in most cases. It often feels too self-indulgent to allow myself the time to dream. There is also an element of fear involved. What if all of my biggest dreams somehow come true?! Because I absolutely believe it’s possible. The only thing standing in my way sometimes is me. My own doubts, fears, and apprehensions.

I am an extremely rational, logical, steady person, so dreaming has always seemed silly and selfish. Dreams can’t pay the bills or make things happen. But what if they can? I’ve been diving deeper into the practice of manifesting, and I think that dreaming plays a big part in what actually comes to fruition in our lives. When we give ourselves permission to dream big for ourselves, it simply feels good, and in turn, raises our vibrational energy to allow abundance to flow into our lives.

One of my teachers asked me the other day about what dreams I have for my life. It is something I have rarely let myself think about, so it was a difficult question to answer. I really would like to change that. The more I sink into this space of dreaming, the more it feels like life opens up for me. It feels more expansive, full of possibilities and wonder that I have never let myself entertain before. I want a life that is expansive and beautiful, and I believe that letting myself dream will ensure that becomes my reality. When I let myself feel into what it is that I want, even if it seems unreachable, I allow for miracles to happen. It can also show me which areas of my life need more attention and focus in order to move myself closer to achieving those dreams. So, I’m giving myself time each day to dream a little, to let my mind run wild with possibility and wonder. I’m choosing to embrace the magic of my dreams and trust that they just might come true.



Breanne Szabados

Based in California, loves writing, reading, yoga and concert-going and finds people and relationships endlessly fascinating